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What is Taoism?

Taoism is a way of life inspired by the nature, meaning the natural trends.

Trying to define it, Alan Watts, perhaps the most important western author who wrote about Taoism, says:

    Taoism [is] the way of man's cooperation with the course or trend of the natural world, whose principles we discover in the flow patterns of water, gas, an fire, which are subsequently memorialized or sculptured in those of stone and wood, and, later, in many forms of human art. (From Tao: The Watercourse Way).

So it is about a cooperation with the trends of nature.

But this approach is not a mere return to Mother Nature so familiar to our New Age ideology. Rather it is a wisdom acquired by simply observing the flow of the natural phenomena. 

Several Kinds of Taoism

TIn fact, there are several kinds of Taoism.

The most known is the religious branch.

It has gods, and rituals like any other religious system. It includes many mystical schools and esoteric disciplines searching for longevity and immortality, most of them dealing with alchemical recipes, sexual and breathing techniques.

Lao-tzu, father of Taoism picture
Lao-tzu, the father of Taoism - author of Tao-te ching - heading West

There's also a branch called tao-chia - the school of Tao or of unity with the Tao - developed by the famous Tao Master Lao-tzu .

In short, the tao-chia Taoism is what we alredy designed by the expression "way of life".

Tao-te ching

Everything we know about tao-chia Taoism - its concepts and practices - come from Tao-te ching (The Classic of Tao and Te) ascribed to Lao-tzu.

This book explains what is Tao - the basic concept of Taoism - and how the Taoist disciples must behave to emulate it in his/her own life.

Chuang-tzu further developed the ideas of Tao-te ching by means of short stories, most of them fictitious, parables and metaphors.

There's also the Lieh-tzu's book including the texts ascribed to Yang-tzu which ads more to the oldest basic stratum of the Taoist teachings.

Tao-te ching page in Chinese
Tao-te ching page written in Chinese

We may also count among the Taoist sources the well-known I-ching (Book of Changes) used as a divinatory means since the ancient times of Chou dynasty.

Taoism Vs Confucianism

Confucianism is interested in public life and insists on the transformation of the individual through culture and education. Future political leaders must be formed according to the principles dear to Confucius of humanism and rightness. The structure of the state is inspired by family relationships, and the conventions associated with them.

ConfuciusConfucius is the author of an ethical school aiming at the man transformation as to emulate the rites assigned to the futuree King, princes and people workng on behalf the state.
This approach is contrary to the Taoist political detachment and ethical indifference.

Lao-tzu's Taoism is interested in what is natural, raw, in human innate constitution. In this sense he rejects the political ideas of Confucius who is often criticized and ironized in the Taoist works, including the Tao-te ching.

A proof of the irreconcilable character of the two doctrines is the famous dialogue between Lao-tzu and Confucius related by Ssu-ma Ch'ien.

Confucius, who talks about the rites, is apostrophized by Lao-tzu who warns him that his intellectual pedantry may cost him his life. Rather, he must adopt a modest and reserved demeanor.

Taoism and the Western World

The religious Taoism resembles the Christian and other such religious systems. But tao-chia is not equaled by any known Western system.

Western people don't seem to understand the meaning and usefulness of a spiritual discipline which has no gods or saints but focuses on a way of life inspired by the Tao, seen as the origin and end of everything in the universe.

The misunderstanding of the spiritual Taoism explains why it is presented like a historical movement rather than a living tradition.

iconThe Taoist teachings may be applied even today, on a day to day basis, in order to improve our capability to cope with our ever changing world.

Still Taoism is not outdated. One can follow this path today to find the cure for the insurmountable problems of the modern world.

About Retreats

Contrary to popular opinion, Taoism does not necessarily require retreat, seclusion, worship and special diet receipts. One starts simply from here and now and acquires a new understanding of the world as it is, and the remedy to its pitfalls.


See also

pictureMaster Lu's Sayings

Question: What does Taoism teach us about time?

Master Lu: Time as cosmic event or lifetime?

Q: Time as lifetime.

M L: Nothing. Taoism is not interested in time or things related to the flow of time. Time and the experience of time are part of life. They are elements of life such as breathing or nutrition. They can not be avoided nor should be avoided. Time is accepted as such no matter what we feel about it individually. Read more...

Live in balance pictureFind the Way, Step the Path

Dry your tears - just relax

Live in Balance

Click here to learn how...

Book of changes pictureKnowing the future is a must for the Taoist disciples.

Don't know how to do this?

By consulting the I-ching, the ancient Chinese oracle of changes.


What If?

What if there's no separation,
What if "I" has fallen for its lie,
What if ignorance lead it astray,
What if there's no me to die?

What if every-thing's been provided,
What if all is shared,
What if no false identities,
What if nature truly cared?

What if no words spoken,
What if no sound,
What if stillness I AM,
What if in Presence IT found?

What if "I" let's go completely,
What if there's no me,
What if ALL IS one being,
What if only Truth could be?


Taoism More: Master Lu - Hui Neng

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