Taoism Online Courses

Taoism Practice
in the Day to Day Life


Course description

Taoism is a way of life aiming at the accommodation with the actual trends in order to avoid failure due to our incessant urge to force things on their way.

This "way" of life was designed by Lao-tzu - the father of Taoism - and his disciples.

In short, it shows you how you should proceed in various life situations by taking as leading guide the Taoist teachings.

Nothing like these teachings have been ever posted on the Net!

    Please notice that this course requires some basic knowledge about I-ching divination. More about I-ching may be found at https://www.taopage.org/iching/ or by taking our dedicated course from here.

    Also, please keep in mind that our course doesn't provide teachings on Taoist religion, gymnastics or martial arts. We mainly follow the Lao-tzu teachings provided through his Tao-te ching.

The course is made of 12 lessons. Here they are:

1. Knowing the Germs
About knowing the germs of the future.
2. Power, Will and Ambition
About the power of doing things.
3. Daily I-ching
Using I-ching oracle in the day to day life.
4. Nondoing
Going with the flow.
5. Emptiness (Wu)
The benefit of emptying your mind.
6. Meditation
What about your inner self?
7. Balance
Inner and outer balance explained.
8. Health and Profit
Our daily incitement.
9. What if I Love Him/Her?
About desire and why/when to retreat.
10. Getting Involved
To get or not involved?, this is the question.


11. Two Simple Exercises which Help You Purify Your Mind and Gain More Disposable Energy

12. I-ching: Example of Consulting


You'll receive two free papers should you take this course now:

  • The seven errors made by Westerners when approaching the Taoism (PDF);
  • The art of cultivating one's life according to Taoism.

Schedule & interactivity

We send you the lessons as emails messages directly to your inbox on a schedule, that is, one lesson every two days.

Also you may request help with the topics approached during the course long. Please notice that our assistance is provided by a real person and customized to fit your needs, through email.

Cost: $50

Order now through credit card with PayPal and start reading today

Please click the Buy Now button below to be taken to the secure order form:


Note about delivery: Upon the completion of the payment, you'll be redirected to the confirmation page, online, providing information about course start. Please read and follow.

Need More Help?

Sarah supportShould you need help with this course topics and requirements, just send us an email to support@taopage.org. We respond the same day.


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