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Four Ways of Approaching Taoism Basically we may trace four ways of approaching Taoism. Here they are: 1. The ethical approach based on the ideas of living in harmony with everything that surrounds us, love our neighbor, do not kill etc. From this perspective Taoism resembles any religion. Most Taoist presentations on the Net embrace the ethical vision. 2. The metaphysical, the so-called union with
3. The sinologists/experts approach who see the ancient Taoism as a museum of curiosities and therefore dead and ineffective. This approach can be found in university sites, at specialists, translators, philosophers and even Marxists! 4. Taoism viewed as a way of life (this is also our approach). We strongly believe that the ancient Taoism provides one a great deal of teachings and methods to free him/herself from the turmoil of the today life and deeply injected neurosis.
You can find more about this way of life by taking our Read also
Taoism practice What we mean by practicing Taoism Benefit of practicing Taoism Master Lu on Taoism Commented sayings and dialogues Taoism beliefs |
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