Taoism Online Courses

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We (Way of Perfect Emptiness - Taoist Society) offer several email courses intended for people wishing to learn about the theory and practice of Taoism.

Please notice that Taoism taught here is Lao-tzu's approach, as a way of life, meaning nothing related to the religious system itself.

We deliver our courses as lessons, through email, just like email messages. Lessons are sent on schedule, directly to your inbox.

Moreover you learn at your own pace!

Also we offer free online assistance through email provided by a real person (no bots or general common answers)!

Register right now and start reading today!

All you have to do is to choose the desired course(s) from the list below and click "learn more" to be taken to the course page.

See also the student guide for more information.

List of available courses

new! The Method of Guarding One's Life According to Lao-tzu

This course deals with the method of guarding life taught by Lao-tzu. It is meant to help us protect our lifes and teaches us how to apply several Taoist techniques on a day to day basis.

Click here to learn more...

Initiation into Taoism [3 levels]

This course addresses people interested in the theory and practice of Taoism. It is made of three levels each of theam dealing with specific topics.

Here are the levels:

    1. What is Taoism. Explains the basics. Learn more.

    2. I-ching Methods and Meaning. Teaches you the divination through I-ching. Learn more.

    3. Taoist meditation. Deals with the specific of Taoist meditation methods. Learn more.

Take all the three levels at once and save. Click here to learn more.

Tao Practice in the Day to Day Life
This course exlains how to apply the Tao teachings to your everyday life.
here to learn more.

Lao-tzu and Tao-te ching Revealed
If you like Tao-te ching, you certainly need this guide to discover the meaning of the basic concepts, such as: tao, te, wu, wu-wei....  Click here to learn more.

The Yin-Yang Symbolism in Taoism
This is a 8-lesson course dealing with the meaning of the yin-yang in Taoism. Click here to learn more.

Tao Practice Pack ($20 Off)
A 3-item pack consisting in the short version of our I-ching course, the Tao Practice in the Day to Day Life, and Master Lu's ebook on Living in Tao (PDF). Click here to learn more.

Taoism Courses Pack ($25 Off)
A 5-item resource to discover Taoism. Click here to learn more.

Student Guide: Q & A

- What I need to take your courses?
All you need is an email account and access to it in order to receive and read the lessons we sent you as email messages.

- Are they provided online?
Yes, of course.

- When can I start?
You may start right now as our courses are continuous.

- Do you offer any discount if I order multiple courses?
Yes, we offer multiple discounts for packs and the Taoism initiation course (made of three levels).

- What is the registration procedure?
Just choose the desired course(s) from the list above and scroll down to the payment information. Follow the instruction.

- How I pay?
Payments are made through Fastspring credit card, PayPal or wire transfer. Other payment methods may be available depending on your location.

- What if I know nothing about Taoism and its concepts?
Don't worry, we offer all the resources required.

- What if I want to test my acquired knowledge upon finishing the course?
You can test your acquired knowledge by taking our online quizzes.

- May I have a refund if I change my mind and give up the course?
Please read our refund/return policy below.

Sarah supportNeed More Help? Please check our help page here.

Don't know what the course should you take first? Please click here to learn more.

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