Taoism Online Courses

Initiation into Taoism - Level 2 

I-ching Methods and Meaning

- A 16-lesson course delivered
through email -


Course description

This course provides teachings about the I-ching (Book of Changes). We mainly deal with the method of divination and its usage.

I-ching is part of Taoist teachings as it offers the means to know the future development of the actual tendencies. As Lao-tzu once said: a Tao student should know what future brings with the help of I-ching based oracle. By doing so he is able to adapt to the unexpected beforehand.

This course is the level two of our three-level Taoism initiation course. It is followed by level three - dealing with the Taoist meditation methods - and preceded by level one - dealing with the Taoism basics. If you take all the three levels at once you benefit from a discount.

Here are the lessons:

1. Basic Things One Must Know about Oracles
2. The First Encounter with the I-ching Oracle
3. Translations and Versions
4. Content of the Book
5. Usage of the Oracle (methods of asking questions)
6. Short History of the I-ching
7. The Oracle and the Life of Couple
8. Business and the Oracle
(+ I-ching and Business, second example)
9. Health and the Oracle
(+ Health and the Oracle, second example)
10. The Oracle in Political Life (updated)
11. About Asking a Question
12. A Few Words about the Interpretation
13. More about Interpretation
14. Understanding the I-ching symbolism
(+ Meaning of cardinal points)
15. The Taoist Concept of Change in I-ching
16. About the Plurality of Meanings Depending on Specific Questions

More lessons are added continuously.

Assignments: These course requires several home assignments (not mandatory). They help you handling the oracle and understand its answers.

Quiz & Bonuses

If you wish to test your acquired knowledge you may take our online quiz upon the completion of this level (not mandatory).

We also offer three (!) bonuses should you take this level right now:

    - a paper treating of the connection of the oracle and the spiritual life;

    - the I-ching dictionary of terms and concepts, and

    - a paper dealing with the oracle's answer to a religious dispute (commentary and interpretation of the answer).

- all PDF -

Schedule & interactivity

We send you the lessons as emails messages directly to your email address on a schedule, that is, one lesson every two days. This way you have enough time to read them.

Also you may request help with the topics approached during the course long. Please notice that our assistance is provided by a real person, through email.

Cost: $35

Order through credit card with PayPal and start reading today

Please click the Order Now button to be taken to our secure order form.


Upon the completion of the payment you'll receive a message with further information about course registration. Please read and follow.

Need More Help?

Should you need help with the payment method just send us an email to support@taopage.org. We respond the same day.

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=> Lao-tzu and Tao-te ching Revealed
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