Taoism Online Courses

Initiation into Taoism - Level 3

Taoist Meditation

- A 10-lesson course
delivered through email -


Course Description

As you know, the meditation techniques help us acquire specific skills to deal with tumultuous events and cope with unexpected problems. Also they open access to the other side of our person, the spiritual one, which is the path to our complete accomplishment.

This course provides teachings about the Taoist meditation methods, such as: the fasting of the mind and the sitting and forgetting (see the summary below). 

This course is the level three of our three-level Taoism initiation course. It is preceded by level one - dealing with the Taoism basics and level two - dealing with I-ching matters. If you take all the three levels at once you benefit from a discount.

Here are the lessons of this level:

1. The Man of Tao
2. Yen Hui and Emptiness
3. Yen Hui and Emptiness (2)
4. Hui Neng on Emptiness
5. Emptiness in Tao-te ching
6. Lieh-tzu and Meditation
7. The Fasting of the Mind
8. Contemplation in the I-ching
9. The Trip is a Look Inside
10. The Practice of Emptiness

Quiz & bonus

If you wish to test your acquired knowledge you may take our online quiz upon the completion of the module (not mandatory).

We also give you a free paper - Lao-tzu and Emptiness - explaining the meaning of the Lao's enigmatic saying recorded in Tao-te ching : "The wise ruler empties people's minds and fills their bellies" (worth $5.95).

Schedule & interactivity

We send you the lessons as emails messages directly to your email address on a schedule, that is, one lesson every two days. This way you have enough time to read them.

Also you may request help with the topics approached during the course long. Please notice that our assistance is provided by a real person, through email.

Cost: $40

Order through credit card with PayPal and start reading today

Please click the Order Now button to be taken to our secure order form.


Upon the completion of the payment you'll receive a message with further information about course registration. Please read and follow.

Need More Help?

Should you need help with the payment method just send us an email to support@taopage.org. We respond the same day.

iconMore Courses:

=> Lao-tzu and Tao-te ching Revealed
Taoism Practice in the Day to Day Life
The Yin-Yang Philosophy
The Method of Guarding One's Life According to Lao-tzu

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