Taoism > The Basics

What is Tao?

Tao is the basic concept of Taoism (the word "Taoism" itself is composed with "tao"). But it is not a term forged by the Taoist mind - it belongs to the spiritual heritage of ancient China.

tao graph
The Chinese ideogram for Tao is made of two characters: head and foot. The ideas suggested are "consciously walking" or the way of ruling of the ancient sovereigns
  • Tao with Taoists and Confucians

Tao meaning differs widely depending on the context of the doctrine in which it is included.

Thus, for Taoists, "tao" is the very source and creator of all things in the universe and, in the same time, a model for the sage's conduct.

Tao-te ching, the Book of Tao and its Characteristics, maintains that the "tao" concept is obscure, that is, difficult to describe.

It is about something impossible to describe that existed since the beginning on the Universe, the root of Heaven and Earth and the Mother of everything.

For Confucius and his school mainly interested in politics and ethics, "tao" refers to the art of ruling the state of the ancient emperors like King Wen and Duke of Chou, famous characters in the history of China.

Thus it points to a "way" or "method" of ruling took as a model by the Confucians.

  • Tao with common people

Chinese people admired gifted persons such as archers, butchers, doctors etc. They were invited at the sovereign's court, put to the test and rewarded properly when they proved their skill.

Nowadays one could also find successful businessmen, gifted artists, writers, sportsmen acclaimed by the people, talented politicians etc. All of them have their own tao , and this means a specific aptitude and the way it is performed.

Let's conclude that Tao is a concept related to the birth of the universe, the way of governing and even the specific skills of certain people.

Demons Talking - pictureTao, Good and Bad

- What is the Tao good for? asked Wu from the Northern Sea. Is it good for eat, for ride or perhaps for fighting enemies?
- No, replied the Master of No Concern, it is not good for eat, ride or fighting your enemies. Just because the Tao is Lord of everything you shouldn't ask about its utility.

Wu from the Northern Sea changed countenance and replied sadly: "Once again I mistaken the master for the servant!"

Tao is not God

Question: I remember I had an argument with my wife and been very affected. I was practicing the Tao but it didn't help me. Why?

Answer: Tao is not a God. One shouldn't ask Tao to behave like God and do things to help one. Stop thinking of Tao in terms of a mighty God who can change things and do anything. If you have problems with your mate or family just keep that state of nondoing (aka don't do anything to change the situation for the good) and see what happens. This is the way.

Question: Well, I was keeping that state and still there was so much suffering.

Answer: This is because Tao is not God. It doesn't help you with your suffering. Actually it brings the suffering! (From Master Lu Sayings about Living in Tao).


Further resources:

  • You may find more about the meaning of Tao by taking our  courses dealing with Lao-tzu and his Tao-te ching - click here to start now.
  • The collection of sayings of Master Lu deals with the Tao as a day-to-day experience. Learn more here.

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