Taoism Courses Pack $25 Off - A 5-item resource to discover Taoism -
This package is designed for people willing to know the basics of Taoism, Tao-te ching and I-ching. Also it comprises an introductory course to the Yin-Yang philosophy in Taoism. The pack is made of five courses. Here's the list (click the links to learn more): - Lao-tzu and Tao-te ching Revealed Click here to learn more. - Initiation into Taoism (3 Levels) - The Yin-Yang Symbolism in Taoism Courses content, quizzes... - Courses are made of lessons. Each lesson is delivered through email on a schedule of one lesson every two days. - You may open and read them in your desktop and mobile
devices; you may copy and print them. - Some lessons are completed by home assignments (not mandatory). Also upon the completion of each course you'll be invited to take the corresponding online quiz (not mandatory). - Moreover, if you wish to continue your learning experience, we provide further support upon your request. And what is worth you save Order through credit card with PayPal for just $115 (discount included at checkout)
Upon the completion of the payment you'll receive a message with further information about starting the first course of the pack. Please read and follow. Need More Help? Should you need help with the payment method just send us an email to support@taopage.org. We respond the same day. |
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