I Ching online consulting hints on how to...
1. There are many better or worst devices for consulting the I Ching oracle
online. But it is essential to know how to proceed before using these devices. If you want to consult the oracle using our device (see below), you should consider the following: First thing first learn how to phrase your question:
- Keep the question in your mind during the consulting procedure; - Always ask short and clear questions - try to be specific; - Ask about anything you need to know including health, wedding,
business, love, profession and so forth; - Your question should address only future matters; the best question is about the good or bad result of an intended project.
2. You can consult the I Ching oracle even on behalf of others. But by doing so, you must have the expertise of interpreting its answers taking into account that the oracle also makes reference to you;
3. Write your question and the response in your diary and check out the future development of events to see how they fit the answer. If you need, ask the oracle again regarding the same problem.
Continue your oracle consulting by clicking the button below. USAGE: Read the Judgment
of the first hexagram and the text(s) of its changing line(s) (if any). The changing lines are red. Read the next hexagram's Judgment, as the final conclusion. EXAMPLE: Let's say the oracle's answer to your question is Hexagram 11, with two changing
lines (see below) - you must read its Judgment and mostly the texts of the two changing lines as shown below:
Hexagram 11 |
__ __ __ __ __ __ _____ _____ _____ |
Read: 1. The text of the Judgment
2. The text of line 2 3. The text of line 4 |
Please keep in mind that the changing lines are counted from bottom to top of hexagram as follows:
Hexagram 11 |
__ __ 6 __ __ 5 __ __ 4 _____ 3 _____ 2 _____ 1 |
Because of the changing lines (those marked with red), this Hexagram also changes to a new one - in our example, Hexagram 55.
Hexagram 55 |
__ __ __ __ _____ _____ __ __ _____ |
Read: 1. The text of the Judgment |
You can also receive a Hexagram without changing ( red) lines. In this case, read only to text of the Judgment which offers a general view over your problem.
Please note that interpreting the answer is very difficult because the I Ching responds in a symbolic language, absolutely incomprehensible nowadays. So you neeed help. I Ching examples of interpretation
A short example of a classic interpretation may be found here. More examples here and here. NEED HELP? You may ask for help with the answers of the I Ching oracle. All you need to do is access the assistance page here. |